With our Multi Racial Community, Singapore is the best example for the phenomenon of East meeting West. Amidst our Asian culture, you can find traces of western influences in our Cuisine, Lifestyle and Speech. It sure is interesting to watch how both cultures stand side by side contrasting and highlighting their differences/similarity!
Wood Grove Drive Halloween
Residents welcome everyone to participate in this celebration as long as you come in the spirit of fun. Do be warned that the streets are filled with ghostly characters, who are more than happy to pose for a photo when requested! Address: Woodgrove Drive
Timing: 6pm - 8pm Fees: FREE
1 Comment
Singapore's core foundation is build by the 4 races of the country; Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian. And because of this unique attribute, our streets are filled with interesting mixes of cultural architecture buildings. But just how far do these ties go in Singapore's history? At the backyard of the temple, up along the pillars of the temple stands 2 figurines. Look keenly as many visitors have missed them, as they are small and right at the corner of the pillars. If you look closely, you will see a man with dark skin tone and spotting a dark curly black hair holding up the pillar. This surely isn't a Chinese man and resembles more of an indian-looking man. What is a statue of an indian man doing in a Chinese temple? This has to be a mistake or a very bad prank, you may think.
Well, it isn't all that bad. You see, in the 1830s when the temple was being build, indians from the neighbouring Chulia Village came in numbers to help out. So carvers made this figurine to thank them for their contribution to the construction of the temple. So there you have it! Racial harmony has always been a key fundamental in Singapore. Being 50 years old, Singapore sure has many fascinating Urban legends, Mysteries and Myths hiding in corners you never knew. Here we will share with you some fun facts we share on our cycling tours. So you could put yourself to the test as well. So how well do you know Singapore? Ready for it? Let's ride... Starting with Fun Fact #1: The singing 1000 dollar bill Pick up a One Thousand Dollar Note if you have one lying around. Turn to the back of the note and look closely below the Parliament House (left most building). There you will find the FULL lyrics of the National Anthem of Singapore. Not just a short paragraph of it but the full lyrics to the song!
A big Happy New Year to you guys from Biking Singapore! For the new year, we have worked hard to look at what our guests wants and made our site easier for you to navigate. Our objective is for you to get what you want in the shortest time possible! Take a look at what we have done so far!
And of course, we apologise if our automated prompts do get a bit... annoying.
All children would go through a phase of having to learn to crawl, then walk and a quick throttle leads to a run.
Next up would be the freedom of zipping through the park in a bicycle. That's where things gets a bit tricky. How do you teach your child cycling other than the traditional mother bird method of "Hold it steady and let go". Often than not, parents must bear with the worry of hoping their child doesn't fall or lose their balance and run into a tree. Now in Biking Singapore, we revolutionised Learning how to cycle by doing away with the trial and error of the supporter. Instead, we employ the use of gravity as our assistance in the class. Our teaching model runs on Balance, Cruising and finally Riding. This model ensures the child learns the right basics of cycling then the technique to manoeuvre the bicycle. For this December School Holiday, sign up your child for our class and watch your child master the skills of cycling by the end of the holidays!
Many of our vendors and business partners have questioned, why does Biking Singapore provide teambuilding services? How does bicycles have anything to do with strengthening team bonding, improve leadership skills and building on communication skills? ![]()
Our answer is quite simple.
Nothing! Bicycles have absolutely nothing to do these values! However, at the same time bicycles are also everything in team bonding. It’s a tool, or some would like to refer as a bridge, which is used to link relationships from one person to the other. ![]()
In Biking Singapore, we believe that any physical object, activity or exercise can be used to facilitate a team building activity. What really is the essence in the teambuilding exercise is the method and process!
Base on this model, Biking Singapore’s Teambuilding activities revolves on 2 fundamentals.
1. Experiential Learning 2. Character Building and Learning What is Experiential Learning?![]()
Remember when you were 1 – 3 years old and how your parents tried to warn you about the hot kettle? How you should avoid it at all cost otherwise you would get burnt badly? Then try and remember the number of times you actually put your hands to the piping hot kettle, ended up burnt and crying your lungs out. Most of us would probably remember that one time and that’s all! If you can’t remember, I’m sure your parents would have the embarrassing story to share with you.
Reason, is because scientific research has expressed children from the age of 1 – 3 years old as a blank cd. The child learns through touch, visual, sound and smell. Bit by bit, these experiences would be “recorded” into the cd and forms our knowledge bank. This process is simplified as Experiential Learning!
We aim to do the same with you. Not to put your hand to a hot kettle of course! To introduce learning models and objective through fun and engaging team building activities. We aim to rebuilt your team with effective communication exercises and strengthen the team dynamic with group efficient exercise. By experiencing the various scenarios through the process of the team bonding activity, you would gain a better insight on common group dynamic character, team related issues and organizational fundamentals important to your team. These experiences would be discussed as a group to enhance 2 ways communication within the organization and facilitate effective feedback process. What is Character Building and Learning?
All individuals have different characters and culture. In a team, if the mixes of different personality traits were not managed well, it would mean a ticking time bomb waiting to happen! Imagine having so many differences in thoughts, opinions and methods of working. Biking Singapore Teambuilding brings in the effective model of DISC to help you understand the different traits of each DISC character. By understanding your own and other’s DISC traits, it will shine a light on questions such as Why is he reacting this way? Why doesn’t she see my point? Why am I the only one who seems to be worried about the way the project is going?
Furthermore, we will teach you how to enhance the group dynamic of the team by capitalizing on the pro of each trait and complimenting it with the flaw of others. With a closely knitted environment of understanding and support, we hope to enhance the performance matrix of the whole team efficiently. ![]() On the 14th of June, Lim and Tan Securities joins Biking Singapore for their Cycling Teambuilding Session. With 28 participants unloading from the coach bus, our facilitator looks on eagerly on the energy level of the group! Hurray, we see lots of smiles and enthusiastic laughter. A sure sign of a wonderful teambuilding session to come! ![]() As tradition follows, Biking Singapore starts of the teambuilding fun with some Warmers with the participants. As the participants work up a sweat, we suddenly felt an overcast looming over us. Greatest fear for us was rain! And it seems the skies are ready to open up on us at this very moment. ![]() Hoping to beat the rain, the Warmers quickly ended and the participants moved on to collect their bicycles still in good spirit till the first drop of rain came down. Unfortunately we had to hold the teambuilding session and usher the participants to shelter and wait out the rain. ![]() Not without plan, our facilitators kick in to gear to engage the participants about the teambuilding session. As the participants listened on intently on the stories and history of the tour, the rain lightened as quickly as it came. Not wanting to miss out this much-anticipated ride, the team quickly agreed that they want to move out amidst the light drizzle! Motivated by the team’s enthusiasm, the facilitator kick into action making sure all the participants gets a poncho and of course, 1 more group photo before we move of for the teambuilding session!
Finally before we left, a teambuilding game was played to allow teams to win for them drinks to recharge for the 2nd leg of the journey. Gladly, team 1 lead by the most charming manager we have met won the challenge and was rewarded with the drink. As we proceeded on the The Changi Chapel Museum, we saw strong never say die spirit emerging in teams as participants motivated each other to push on up the slopes. Each teams made sure their weakest participant was always looked after and we finally arrive at our 2nd stop for the teambuilding session. ![]() At The Changi Chapel Museum, an intern rewarded participants with a beautiful chapel which houses the original cross hand crafted during the WW2 out of a bombshell. The museum also holds an extensive exhibit and presentation of the WW 2 era and what POWs then had to go through. Without saying, this has to be the highlight of the tour as our participants learn and understand what the WW2 has brought across to Singaporeans and defenders from other nations. As we left the place with humility and gratitude, we push on back to Changi Village to end off the tour through this beautiful estate. The teambuilding session ended very well as teams gave each other pat on the back and words of gratitude for pushing through the terrain. We applaud their fighting spirit and genuinely hope they enjoyed our teambuilding program for them. ![]() Hi Mums and Dads, This entry is dedicated to you as the school holidays are looming nearer and nearer. I believe no amount of training be it in your corporate organisation or training as "Ah-Bing Ge" in the army has prepared you for the school holidays. ![]() Stay home Moms or Dads, have it worst I would say. What used to be half a day of peace turns into a full day of restless kids running through the house, which is a good thing. But if there is silence through the house for pro-longed hours... you better worry. Now, that's just the weekdays. How about the weekends!!! Not to worry, that's why you are reading this entry isn't it? Our Biking Singapore June School Holiday program includes Bicycle Tours to Pulau Ubin and Historical tours to sites such as Johore Battery and The Changi Museum Chapel! If you would like a full day visit to animal and vegetable farms, we organise tours at Sungei Tengah to visit farms such as FarmMart Singapore. So wait no further and contact us for the various activities you can consider! Coming back for the 6th year is the OCBC Cycle Singapore Event!
Avid cyclist can look forward to a different categories from Foldies ride to Tricycle ride as well! We have loads of cyclist coming to us for rental of our Tern Link bikes which of course includes delivery to the event venue as well! Most other vendors require you to self collect and delivery your rented bike but to us, we believe it's most important to deliver a luxurious package of sending it to the event venue (or as close as we can due to road closure) for you! So don't wait any longer... Contact us now to rent a Tern Link bike for your 1st OCBC Cycle 2014! A new revolution in bike commuting has entered the market and it's definitely kicking up a storm on all the social medias!
Just this afternoon, I was browsing through my Facebook page and I come a cross an article on electronic bikes. "What's new about it?" then I realise that FlyKly is actually an electric wheel! How cool is that? Good bye to ugly battery packs and limited electric bike designs... Now you can upgrade or "zeng" your favourite bike with an electric wheel! See below the article for your jaw dropping experience! http://www.flykly.com/ |
Biking SingaporeA hub for Bike Commuters to gather and share the latest news that affects are daily travels through this Little Red Dot we call home. Archives
October 2018